Internal transportation system for TMA Ice Age

TMA Ice Age, a recently-established company and part of TMA Logistics BV in Amsterdam, started testing the newly-implemented internal transportation system in December 2023. Total Systems designed and developed the system on a ‘made-to-measure’ basis.

The world of warehousing and transshipment demands speed, quality and efficiency, so once the company was established, there was a need for a quick, cost-effective buffer/in-feed route to the automatic lift systems. An acquaintance of one of those responsible within TMA recommended Total Systems to develop and implement this project.
TMA Ice Age: “The short lead time for the project that Total Systems could offer was decisive. And the contact with the sales department was great, too. They are easy to contact, act quickly and effectively, and assist us in all aspects of our processes. Flexibility and reliability are so important when you’re starting up a new company. Total Systems really put their money where their mouth was.”